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How can we create branding for startups with the help of the media in Israel

Public relations for entrepreneurs - Do-it-yourself method

We all know that branding and image are essential for any technology company. In combination with the digital market, working with the media can help raise awareness, recognition and branding, in order to both reach a wide target audience quickly and to establish relationships of trust with investors and potential customers. This can be done by publishing articles and interviews on the company's website, the LinkedIn page and business Facebook, and enhancing Google search results.The ideal means of communication for technology companies interested in establishing their position and image are e economic and business sections: Globes, The Marker and Calcalist, in addition to the technology and business sections in the national press in Hebrew and English. These sections are read daily by investors who are constantly looking for new opportunities. Media exposure can be the result of the entrepreneur contacting the media independently or accompanied by a media consultant who acts on his behalf. In both cases, in order to get the desired results, it is important to establishan organized work plan of action, to persevere and to document all stages of action.

Four public relations steps for entrepreneurs - using the do-it-yourself method:

The first step - allocate time to collect information and analyze it

Public relations require reading time and in-depth analysis of the information that is published in the business, economy and technology sections - in order to collect information and process the data. Collection of comprehensive information entails reading newspapers and surfing the Internet on relevant websites such as Geektime, Ice and others, watching TV and listening to radio programs in which professionals from the same world of startup content are interviewed, and more. This research helps to locate relevant places for advertising in the specific field of business.

It assists in acquiring the language of the media in the various communication channels - how the messages are conveyed, and how editors and reporters write.

Document the relevant information collected - prepare a card system with the channel and the information collected about it.

Second step - work plan

Prepare a comprehensive work plan - a plan that includes a list of topics for articles and interviews, the media in which you wish to generate exposure, what messages the article or interview will include and so on.

In order to increase the chances that the article will be published - it is important to write about topics and content that are topical or valuable to readers in the designated section; Innovative technology, new methods, investor connection to the startup and growth prospects, a service dedicated to the community, research in which the technology company takes part etc..

The third step - locating key people in the various communication channels

Lists of reporters, editors and presenters - in the media world there is a high turnover of professionals. Find the reporters, presenters and editors that are relevant to your specific field and the material should be forwarded to them. Their email address and phone number can be found by contacting the correspondent coordinator or the editor in the system.

Writing the article - after you have gathered the information for the article, it is important to formulate an interesting title and refine the title with an intriguing subtitle and continue to the body of the article. When done writing, it is recommended to put the article aside for the day and come back to read it the next day before passing it on to the media.

The fourth stage - monitoring and persistence

Communication with reporters and editors requires persistence and patience - sometimes the reporters do not respond to an article proposal because they receive vast quantities of articles. They react faster to the presence of a familiar person. It is recommended to call and ask if they received the email and to hear their opinion on the proposal for the article and find out if they are interested in an additional aspect or different content. Even if the article has not been published, it is useful to keep in touch and send further proposals to the same writer, and to contact other writers or editors to send them the current article.

Patience in the field of communication and public relations pays off. The more people apply and write articles and produce items, the higher the percentage of success. When it is possible to use public relations services, you will know what to expect and how the media works.

The author, Gal Zilberman Nisim, is a communications consultant with a public relations office for technology companies, associations, and businesses, specializing in communication consulting, building a reputation, and communication strategy , GVI strategic partner in Israel.


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